December 15, 2023

Commercial Co-Venture Compliance: It's a journey, not a single moment

Change simplifies Commercial Co-Venture (CCV) compliance by partnering with a donor-advised fund and managing all filings, allowing businesses to concentrate on cause marketing and social impact.

A series of events

The biggest challenge, and misconception of Commercial Co-Venture (CCV) compliance is that it can appear to be a one-off occurrence of filing.

In reality, CCV compliance requires multiple filings multiple filings as well as annual reports and finance required at the beginning and at the end of the life of the CCB.

One of the things we often witness when customers previously used a law firm for their compliance filings is that they were unaware of the ongoing need for updating reports failing financial returns and campaign results as well as the necessity for terminating the CCV at the completion of a campaign

Additionally, one of the bigger challenges of managing and filing CCV campaigns is that the cause marketing campaigns often do not have specific end dates.

So, a business doing cause marketing with multiple nonprofit organizations will often have multiple CCVs in force and the filings, even though the campaigns may be over or on pause, have not been properly completed or registered.

Often the company desires to do a campaign in the future with the nonprofit and they leave the CCV open, thereby requiring the continued filing of updates and reports that detail the activity and the amount of donations that have been raised for the nonprofit as well any current activities that are going on.

This is why using a solution like the compliance solution provided by Change, is so critical.

Every CCV requires a string of timely filings, reports and maintenance reports for each active CCV.

We’ve detailed/graphed the filings required for each period during the life of a CCV below and the necessity for regular, maintenance reports.

Compliance Hand Holding with Change

Change holds your hand and walks your through a comprehensive compliance solution for registering your commercial co-venturers.

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Here's what you can expect by engaging in business with us:

Step 1: Deep information dive

We create your regulatory company profile, including corporate facts, states you're engaged in cause marketing, nonprofits you are working with and the types of campaigns you plan to run.  

This information is used to register your company as a commercial co-venturer together with our partner Donor Advised Fund.

Step 2: Relationship with partner Donor Advised Fund

We create your regulatory compliance filings, register your commercial co-venture, pay necessary filing fees, and establish your donation relationship with our partnered Donor Advised Fund (DAF).  

Usage of our partner DAF allows you to run cause marketing campaigns with over 1,000,000 vetted nonprofits, while consolidating all of your CCV compliance reporting with our single DAF.

Instead of filing reports for multiple CCV’s, multiple times in multiple states, all the filings are consolidated into one DAF.

You still work with the cause marketing nonprofits that you want to—you can keep your nonprofit relationships, it’s just that the filings are exponentially reduced and consolidated into our partner DAF which already has relationships with over 1,000,000 nonprofits.

Step 3: Campaign Information

We'll work with you to assemble the details on each of your individual cause marketing campaigns and file that information within the CCV relationship established with the DAF.

Step 4: Umbrella CCV Agreement

Together, we will complete an umbrella CCV agreement between your company and our partner DAF.  

We will have a mutual, high-level agreement that covers your donation campaigns and allows for a range of expected donation amounts.

The agreement allows you flexibility throughout the year, so you aren't pigeonholed into running only a certain kind of donation campaign with a specific nonprofit, but you have the freedom to run multiple campaigns, with multiple nonprofits, aligning with multiple causes which support your revenues and strategic initiatives.

Step 5: Ongoing Campaign Filings

Change now carries the ball and files the CCV filings in the states that require filings, as well as ongoing filings and reports, including:

  • Initial registrations and renewals
  • Mandated charitable solicitation notices
  • Contract filings
  • Ongoing campaign reports
  • Termination campaign reports

Step 6: Scale your cause marketing

Your life just got easier and more flexible.

Now you can add nonprofit campaigns easier and branch out into other, customer-base appropriate cause niches.

Your compliance regimen just got outsourced, so your free to concentrate more on cause marketing and social impact, and not on time consuming regulatory filings.

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