Understanding the rules for commercial co-venturers (CCVs) is key for any business running cause marketing campaigns across the U.S. Knowing the specific requirements in each state ensures you stay compliant and maintain transparency in your charitable promotions.
In this blog post, we’ll break down the regulations for CCVs in eight states, giving you a clear view of what’s needed to legally run charitable sales promotions. From registering and filing contracts to reporting campaigns and renewing annually, we’ve got all the details to help you align your efforts with state laws and boost the credibility of your cause marketing campaigns.
What is a commercial co-venturer in Alabama?
Commercial co-venturers are businesses that conduct a sale, performance, or event for profit or other consideration, which will benefit a charitable or religious organization.
Must provide the full legal business name, address, Federal Employment Identification Number, email, and phone number, among other things.
Submit a copy of each contract with the charitable organization.
File a closing statement with the Attorney General disclosing gross receipts and all expenditures incurred in the performance of the contract.
What is a commercial coventurer in California?
A commercial coventurer is a type of professional fundraiser. It is a person or organization who, for profit, is primarily engaged in a business other than in connection with raising funds for charitable purposes. A commercial coventurer raises money for charities by giving the charity a certain percentage from the sale of goods or services. A commercial coventurer represents to the public that the purchase or use of its goods or services will benefit a charitable organization. Unless exempt under Government Code section 12599.2, subdivision (b), a commercial coventurer is required to register and report to the Attorney General.
File a copy of the write contract with the charitable sales organization before commencing a charitable sales promotion.
Commercial co-venturers registered in California must file an annual financial report with the Attorney General's Registry of Charities and Fundraisers for each coventure activity conducted on behalf of each charitable organization for which funds, assets, or property were received during the preceding calendar year.
Renew your Commercial Co-Venturer registration for every year in which you are soliciting any funds in California for charitable purposes.
What is a commercial co-venturer in Hawaii?
A commercial co-venturer (CCV) is a business that partners with a charitable organization to hold a charitable sales promotion in which all or a portion of the proceeds will benefit the charitable organization.
Not required
Submit a written consent form for a charitable sales promotion, specifying the campaign details, before the campaign begins.
File a copy of the final accounting with both the Attorney General and with the charity.
Not required
What is a commercial co-venturer in Massachusetts?
An individual or business, which for profit or other commercial consideration, advertises that an event or sale to the public of a good or service will benefit, to any extent, a charitable purpose is considered a commercial co-venturer.
Register as a Commercial Co-Venturer. If you are conducting multiple campaigns in one calendar year, you only need to file this form once.
Submit a copy of each fundraising contract. If you are conducting multiple campaigns in one calendar year, you must file a separate contract for each campaign.
Submit an annual financial report for each Form 10B filed. This form covers the financial activity for a single calendar year. If you are conducting multiple campaigns in one calendar year, you must file a separate financial report for each campaign.
Renew your Commercial Co-Venturer registration for every year in which you are soliciting any funds in Massachusetts for charitable purposes.
What is a commercial co-venturer in Mississippi?
Commercial Co-venturer shall mean any person or entity who is regularly and primarily engaged in the production, trade, sale or commerce of goods other than in connection with the raising or solicitation of funds, assets, or other property for charitable organizations or charitable purposes, who for indirect compensation (including contractually arranged fees, commissions or other monetary remuneration), conducts, promotes, underwrites, arranges, markets, sponsors or advertises a sale, performance, or event of any kind which will benefit, to any extent, a Charitable Organization.
Register as a commercial co-venturer in Mississippi.
File a Notice of Charitable Promotion. Include a copy of the contract between the CCV and the charitable organization.
Must include information like the number of units of goods or services sold in Mississippi, the amount of gross sales in Mississippi, the amount of those gross sales paid by the co-venturer to the charitable organization, and in the case of a multi-state, national or international campaign, the percentage of total sales in Mississippi paid to the charity.
Not required
What is a commercial co-venturer in New Hampshire?
Commercial Co-Ventures are relationships between a for-profit entity and a charitable organization where the for-profit entity collects a donation to the charity along with sale of its goods or services.
Not required
Submit a written notice of charitable sales promotion, specifying the campaign details, before the campaign begins.
Not required
Not required
What is a commercial co-venturer in New Jersey?
“Commercial co-venturer” means any person who, for profit or other consideration, is regularly and primarily engaged in trade or commerce other than in connection with the raising of funds or any other thing of value for a charitable organization, and who advertises that the purchase or use of his goods, services, entertainment or any other thing of value will benefit a charitable organization.
Not required
File a copy with the Division of Consumer Affairs Charities Registration Section of the written contract between the commercial co-venturer and the charity. There is no form required.
None required
What is a commercial co-venturer in South Carolina?
"Commercial co-venturer" means a person that regularly and primarily engages in trade or commerce for profit that, for the benefit of a charitable organization, may raise funds by advertising that the purchase or use of goods, services, entertainment, or other thing of value benefits the charitable organization, if it is offered at a price comparable to similar goods or services in the market.
Commercial co-venturers must file a Registration Application for a Commercial Co-Venturer (PDF) with the Secretary of State’s Office prior to any solicitation activity and on an annual basis.
Commercial co-venturers must file a Notice of Solicitation and all contracts they have with charitable organizations.
Commercial co-venturers must submit a Joint Financial Report for each solicitation campaign.
Renew CCV registration annually.
What is a commercial co-venturer in Tennessee?
“A commercial co-venturer is any person who is organized for profit; is regularly and primarily engaged in trade or commerce, other than in connection with soliciting for charitable or civic organizations or charitable purposes; and conducts an advertised charitable sales promotion for a specific limited period of time. The charitable organization being promoted by the co-venturer must be duly registered or be exempt from registration with the Division of Charitable Solicitations. Commercial co-venturers are required to have a written agreement with the charitable organization on whose behalf the sales promotion is to be conducted. Such co-venturers are also required to keep all records in connection with the charitable sales promotion for no less than three (3) years after the end date of the promotion.”
Not required.
Charities that work with commercial co-venturers must file a Notice of Charitable Sales Promotion and all contracts.
Not required.
Not required.